Salian's Virtual Cove


Saturday, November 12, 2005

I hate coming up with titles.

I have forgotten how to fall asleep. S'true!

It is almost four o'clock in the morning. My body is tired. My eyes are constantly drying up. (blink. type. blink. type.) My jaws are achy from yawns big enough to make a hippo jealous.

And yet my mind refuses to shut down for the day/night. It just keeps moving along, oblivious to my body's cries for a good night's slumber.

And so here I am. Bored because my brain cannot decide what it wants to do except that it does not want to sleep. Annoyed because my tear ducts have closed shop for the night and I am fast becoming weary of this constant blinking.

Oh, Sandman, won't you please visit me tonight. Please?
posted by Salian at 18:03 0 comments


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