Salian's Virtual Cove


Thursday, February 22, 2007

I've packed up and moved.

Go here.
posted by Salian at 15:07 0 comments


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Friday, February 02, 2007

Rich Hair

Several months ago, I was in a local supermarket and decided to get a step ahead in toiletry items such as shampoo and just stock up on it.

One of the brands was having a promotion and selling shampoo at a cheaper price so I, being the cheapskate I am, decided to forgo my normal brand and buy that.

As part of their promotion, I had to fill in this little form to enter into a lucky draw and pick a sort of door-prize.

I won another big bottle of shampoo. Hey, two for the price of a discounted one. Very cool.

Last week, my mom got a call.

Apparently the little form I had filled out had been picked in the lucky draw and we were to go and pick up our prize on Friday - that was the Friday before last... I only just remembered to blog about it because, ya know, my life is just so filled with so many other stories. And yeah, I gave them my mom's number, not mine, because I don't want to be bothered by silly calls.

Won second prize. RM600 in gift vouchers to be spent in the supermarket/department store. That's a hell of a shampoo I bought.
posted by Salian at 23:59 0 comments


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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Deleting Junkmail

I am sick of constantly seeing mailboxes with mail in the hundreds - most of which are junk. So I have taken it upon myself to racing against time to delete junkmail before it gets sent out from server to the inbox of all the office computers (they refresh for new mail every 15 minutes).

It's like a constant, never-ending race. I get the pop-up saying new mail has arrived, quickly scan the inbox and delete where appropriate. Then at the end of the day when I get home, I find out how many I had caught in time. If I caught most, it's a win!

It's a sad, sad life I lead, I know. But I'm telling you, they get like 30-50 junkmails per day there. And they have 4-5 computers all hooked into the same server. That's a fucking hell of a lot of junk.

It's practically a hobby!
posted by Salian at 06:17 0 comments


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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I wrote a post for today. A long one.

But I decided in the end that it was too long and bitchy and whiny and full of egotistic, self-pitying rants that I decided to save anyone that might have read if I had posted it the torment.

So you get this instaed.

A tooter who tooted a toot,
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to the tutor,
"Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

That's my fave tongue twister - I can say it super-fast and I love the blank looked I get in return when they hear what, I guess, sounds like gibberish to them. Actually, the most common response I get is, "All I heard was toot toot toot toot toot"
posted by Salian at 21:50 0 comments


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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life in all its amusing glory

Caught the end part of Lewis and Lily fucking (my parents' dogs - I refuse to admit they exist except when they annoy me, or in this case, amuse me).

It was so funny. It was like a scene out of a movie - in dog.

Think one of those movies where a couple 'get together' after one drunken night. Soon after, they realize what happened with start, sober clarity. She did not look like she had fun. He did. And afterwards, they both looked like they were just dying to get away from each other, which didn't work out so well since they both live in the same cage.

I hope that she doesn't get pregnant. I don't want mini-annoying-doglets running around.
posted by Salian at 20:07 0 comments


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