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Thursday, November 02, 2006
Awww.... dammit to hell!
I had multiple tabs open on my firefox browser and I guess one of the pages crashed the browser and the whole damn thing closed just as I was hunting for a n00biecake link (i.e. after I finished writing a post; before I actually posted the post)
Oh well, I am far too lazy a person to even attempt to rewrite what I wrote earlier so today's entry is entirely about me bitching about my browser crashing and thus completely erasing what I could probably safely say was "the most absolutely, positively, hilarious, emotionally-stirring, soul-searing, epic post you may ever lay your eyes upon".
Unfortunately, the browser crashed and I can't recapture the moment so you're just going to have to take my word about how great that post was.
Go ahead, prove me wrong and tell me it wasn't all that I said it was.
I had multiple tabs open on my firefox browser and I guess one of the pages crashed the browser and the whole damn thing closed just as I was hunting for a n00biecake link (i.e. after I finished writing a post; before I actually posted the post)
Oh well, I am far too lazy a person to even attempt to rewrite what I wrote earlier so today's entry is entirely about me bitching about my browser crashing and thus completely erasing what I could probably safely say was "the most absolutely, positively, hilarious, emotionally-stirring, soul-searing, epic post you may ever lay your eyes upon".
Unfortunately, the browser crashed and I can't recapture the moment so you're just going to have to take my word about how great that post was.
Go ahead, prove me wrong and tell me it wasn't all that I said it was.
posted by Salian at 22:22