Salian's Virtual Cove


Thursday, December 28, 2006

You have got to be kidding

You can blog via SMS text messages now?!

I can already imagine the innumerable 160-character blog posts with 'da','u', 'wif' and various other words shortened to save as much space and effort as...

...Holy smokes! I just killed a massive mosquito as wide as my fingernail...

...shortened to save as much space and effort as possible. I can also imagine posts with words spiced with a few numbers to make it look more '21st-century' or intelligent or futuristic... or something.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problems with using words like that in messages - hell, I do it all the time with my phone - but we're talking about a blog here.

It is not a tool where there is need for a person to throw away all forms of spell-check and proof-reading so that a message may be relayed with immediate haste to another party eagerly awaiting an instant reply.

It is a tool where a person can spend time pondering their vocabulary and/or grammar and even, at some point later, go back and edit out typos; a tool which provides a nifty little spell-check button all the way at the top (although, and don't tell my mom, I often forget to use it myself)

Besides, if something so incredibly fantastic happened during the course of my day that I felt an irresistible and compelling urge to blog about it, I'm betting I'd remember it later on anyway - like, say, when I am actually at a computer.

Unless, of course, the internet implodes. That's what it did yesterday. It just... stopped. But it's back now. I imagine the implosion was very much like the Big Bang where everything collapsed onto itself and then exploded out into a universe of content.

Man, wouldn't it be awesome to see the internet actually implode. I've never seen anything implode.
posted by Salian at 11:06 0 comments


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