Salian's Virtual Cove


Friday, February 02, 2007

Rich Hair

Several months ago, I was in a local supermarket and decided to get a step ahead in toiletry items such as shampoo and just stock up on it.

One of the brands was having a promotion and selling shampoo at a cheaper price so I, being the cheapskate I am, decided to forgo my normal brand and buy that.

As part of their promotion, I had to fill in this little form to enter into a lucky draw and pick a sort of door-prize.

I won another big bottle of shampoo. Hey, two for the price of a discounted one. Very cool.

Last week, my mom got a call.

Apparently the little form I had filled out had been picked in the lucky draw and we were to go and pick up our prize on Friday - that was the Friday before last... I only just remembered to blog about it because, ya know, my life is just so filled with so many other stories. And yeah, I gave them my mom's number, not mine, because I don't want to be bothered by silly calls.

Won second prize. RM600 in gift vouchers to be spent in the supermarket/department store. That's a hell of a shampoo I bought.
posted by Salian at 23:59 0 comments


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