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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Freakish Freaking Freak
Tonight, I'm not sleepy at all... and it's 3:30am.
Last night, I went to bed at at about one o'clock in the morning. I woke up at 3 pm.
The night before that, I slept at midnight and I ended up waking at 4 am.
I don't know what to do :( It is sort of driving me insane. School starts in just a few weeks. I need to get my sleeping pattern sorted out.
Hot Pussy!

Just had to post this pic coz it's so funny.
A Day at the Aquarium
The first part of the aquarium that we went to was mostly ocean animals and reefs - which was great because that was basically the reason I wanted to go there. It almost makes me wish that I did become a marine biologist like I wanted to when I was a little girl. I don't know why I chose chemical engineering over marine biology. I guess, if I were to put a finger on it, it would be because I have always felt dreams to be dreams and unattainable by reality (else, I'd have my very own unicorn by now) and chemical engineering seemed more... realistic.
Anyway, back to the main topic.
The reef part of the aquarium was all kinds of fun for me. I got to see sharks! They had quite a good selection too. Not as wide a selection as I had hoped but good nonetheless. The fish and other underwater-what-have-yous were all very pretty too with their bright colors and funky shapes.
It was very crowded that day (Saturday, guess it was to be expected) and sneaking up to get a good view of a fish tank was quite troublesome at times but it was still fun.
Later, we went to see the dolphin show. It was actually quite sub-par, in my honest opinion. I was hoping for trick after trick after trick like a well trained dog with flippers. Don't get me wrong, the dolphins (there were four of them) did do a few things and it was fun watching them. The show was just far too short considering how long we (as well as many others) waited there for the show to start.
After that, we went to see their showcase on Crabs which was ok. I think Phil had more fun in there than anyone else. Heh, I'm just not a big fan of crabs, is all. (Yeah, you can take that to mean whatever the hell you want it to)
And then we went to their river life area. That was almost a complete bore for me. River habitats don't seem to have any appeal to me whatsoever. Although... there was one thing.
Tortoise-lovin'! Catching that cracked me up bad. Mostly because it was among the last things I was expecting. But it did make the time spent in the river area seem a tad more interesting afterwards.
After the aquarium, Laura brought us to this interesting restaurant in Chicago for my first ever Chicago deep-dish pizza. Spinach deep dish pizza is very yummy and very filling. I could only eat one slice before I had to start begging Phil to finish off my second for me. I probably shouldn't have eaten that much appetizer but I am so not one to pass up fried appetizer if placed in front of me.
We went to Navy Pier after that to hang out. Navy Pier isn't really that fun a place, I realize, if you're trying to not spend any money. Or if the humidity is to the point where I can barely stand it. We did do a bit of window shopping though. They have some interesting stuff there. I finally got to see what a Kendo sword-thing looks like. (My friend Wendy is into Kendo and I was curious what she meant by 'stick-fighting')
So that was my trip to Chicago for a day. We didn't do much but what we did do, I thoroughly enjoyed... except the heat. Oh I hate the sun.
Sunday, July 10, 2005

It was actually a pretty fun day. For the most part, we hung out at his place just talking (basically what we do in WoW except face-to-face). Although we did go watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith (which I have been dying to see for nearly a month now), go to the mall (wow!! a whole freakin' mall!) and visit the arcade in the mall.
The first meeting was slightly awkward but only slightly. As I was ringing his doorbell, I kept thinking of what I should say, how should I greet him, do I shake his hands, do I give him a hug? Then the door opened and I totally didn't know what to say other than "hi" and shook his hand. But after that moment, it started feeling a lot more comfortable. I guess that's where the friendship we built in the game kicked in (phew).
All-in-all, it was a good day. It was really nice to have finally met someone from WoW. Makes me want to meet the others.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Cool! I can control time!
Explanation: You have the ability to
freeze, push forward or go back in time. In
good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds,
and the opposite for evil purposes.
As a person your emotional level has been on
hold. For one reason or another emotions has
reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And
of course, this does not sadden you since you
could care less. Sometimes though you can be
hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it
all out. You don't search for something that
could make you happy since you have no hope in
that area any longer. People probably see you
as annoying because you're not involved and
just stand there. You probably don't have that
many friends either, and you feel like you are
with them because that's what you normally do.
You stick to your habits and don't appreciate
are gonna surface again, and that day will be
very painful. Instead it is more wise to start
up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't
come as a big chock.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Sleepless in Missouri
Actually, now that I think about it, I think it's the fact that there is no ending to this game (and probably never will be). Unlike other games that aren't MMORPG's (massive multiplayer online role playing games), they all have an ending at some point where you kill the big bad dude and everyone throws a celebration, gets drunk, and dances around naked. MMORPG's don't. It just kind of keeps going and going and going like the Energizer bunny... but worse. And because it is my nature to want to play computer games right up till the end if only to see what the end is like, I will keep playing until either the developers put in an end (unlikely) or the company burns to ashes and the servers along with it (also unlikely but more probable :P)
Anyway, my mom's been here for the past month so I haven't been able to play the game. But she's leaving and thus I anxiously await my much overdue return to the game in eager anticipation. Although, I think this time, I'm going to cut down on the hours... on weekends :P
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
This is me.

That's my little Boozer. He's a real bra aficionado. Mostly he just plays with them but I supposed that's just the natural instincts of his gender. He is pretty much the only male around that has full access to my bra and it's, erm, contents at all times. For some reason, he finds my breasts makes a wonderful bed and he is way too cute to deny him anything at all, let alone the use of my chest.