Salian's Virtual Cove


Monday, November 21, 2005

Sword of Truth

Started my countdown-celebration-thingy thing to the release of Terry Goodkind's ninth installment to his Sword of Truth series in paperback. (Yeah, I'm a dragon/sword wielding/giant treks across the lands to fight unknown evils/magic/mystical creature loving person.)

I am doing that countdown-celebration-thingy by reading through the first eight books. I figure now would be a good time to start. I have 9 days (starting yesterday) to read 8 books, each book almost 1000 pages. And the the end of November, I go out and buy another 1000 page book - Chainfire, the 9th book - to top it all off with.

And also, because I am a sentimentalist, I shall be reading all 8 books listening to Norah Jones' Come Away With Me CD set to repeat over and over again because I was introduced to both at the same time and listened/read them together the first time around.
posted by Salian at 15:55 2 comments


The book / genre is not my thing, but to each his own. N. Jones has a great voice doesn't she??
I try to read as wide a variety of different genres as I can, but fantasy books are my favourite.

And yes, she has a fantastic voice. A calming voice.

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