Salian's Virtual Cove


Thursday, November 17, 2005

You know what the world needs...?

Jabbering Village Idiots.

Not the dangerous kind that stalks, spews words of imminent doom, sacrifices rats to a god named Garfield, and may very well prove to be a closeted serial killer. No, no, not that kind. In fact, I don't think that is a village idiot. I think that would be more along the lines of raving lunatic.

I am talking about the kind that does the dumbest things. Things that when others look at him/her doing it for the first time, they think "awww, poor kid," but then watch him/her get up, brush him/herself off and do the same thing all over again and again and again until another dumb act can be thought up.

That is what the world needs.

Or more specifically, what my backyard needs. For comic relief, if nothing else. That backyard can get awful gloomy at times.

Oh, and that Jabbering Village Idiot needs to do it in glow-in-the-dark clothing. That way when it is three in the morning and I have exhausted all my other means of entertainment, I could just look out the window and pretend not to stare.

Hmmm... glow-in-the-dark cat suit. Wonder how that would look.
posted by Salian at 16:51 2 comments


Reli funny post! I wan one too tho!! wudnt be so dull then... =P
sure... give them away like pets. one in every home by 2056.

just be sure to let out your jabbering idiot once in the morning and once at night or you may have a nasty surprise waiting for you on the carpet.

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