Salian's Virtual Cove


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Comm Issues

Wow, I haven't blogged in nearly two weeks. Longest streak since I started blogging again late last year.

There hasn't really been too much happening around here and I haven't really felt like blogging about what little has been happening. Today, though, is definitely a black-marked day - I think. I'm not sure yet. We'll see.

Today is the first day I actually start working inside my parents' office. God, I hate it. It is a windowless box of hellish proportions. Good thing I brought my iPod.

I do have a slight sense of enthusiasm and interest and, hell, I'll say it, eager anticipation when it comes to dealing with the tourism industry. But then throw into that equation the fact that I am to take orders from my mother and pretty much all that enthusiasm and interest and eagerness implodes into itself and turns into this massive black hole that just tries its damndest to suck enjoyment out of life.

So, today was my first day. First order of business: Make a brochure for this new year. The guidelines she gave me was that it concentrated mostly on the Borneo side of our tours and that she didn't want it thick because she would be lugging it around all over.

OK, awesome. Let's see: if I don't want something thick, I make it as thin as possible, hence, one page. A one page brochure? How ridiculously common. She must have been talking about those single-page folded brochures.

So I slave away for about 6 hours on a 128MB RAM computer with a video card so crappy that I could barely clearly make out the pictures I was using. I demand all computers with less than 512MB RAM be destroyed!

Anyway, 6 hours of slaving later and I have an initial draft and show it to her. She see it and goes "What? Only one page?". Apparently, when she said she wanted a thin brochure, she meant 'thick but thinner than, oh, a calculus textbook'.

I guess to summarize all that: my mother and I have MASSIVE communication issues. It is not going to be fun working for her.
posted by Salian at 17:58 0 comments


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