Salian's Virtual Cove


Friday, January 05, 2007

Having a 'Grrr' Day

Ok... the internet is downright annoying now. Now online, now offline, now online, now offline, now online, now offline. I only just managed to upload pictures to Flickr because the damn internet kept cutting out in the middle of uploads in the past (if Flickr even managed to load to begin with).

I don't have anything to blog about, really. This past couple of days have been downright boring - even in my head... and that's saying something.

I could talk about how annoyed I am because - once again - just as I thought my work on the socio-economic project is coming to an end, I get more papers to sort through and compile. Damn... it's like a freakin' cockroach. I just keep squishing it down and it comes right back.

Don't mind me... I'm just in a super pissy mood because I had to miss my run to fix my fucking computer. It was making beeps at me earlier that didn't sound like it could just be ignored. Of course, it fixed itself after I hit the computer and then let it sit a couple minutes to think over how naughty it's been and then it started behaving again.
posted by Salian at 17:39 0 comments


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