Salian's Virtual Cove


Monday, December 11, 2006


I am in a foul mood. A foul, foul mood. A Foul mood with a big, whoppin' capital eff.

Mostly because my father is gone (with the other car) which leaves me relying on my mother for my transportation needs since I still don't have my license renewed. (yes, I procrastinate... it's my gift)

And my mother, being my mother... well, let's just say I have yet to lay eyes upon this supposed transportation that we agreed upon hours ago.

Me: I'd like to go running on the beach later... somewhere between 4:30 and 5? Do you mind coming back by then?
Mom: Ya, sure. At the latest 5 [I remember that "At the latest 5" comment very clearly because it was followed by a snarky comment that I, not being completely retarded, only said in my head]

It's 5:21pm. I called at 5 already asking where she was. Then called later on again telling her, rather grumpily, to forget it because by the time she actually makes it back it will be dark by the time I finish my run and I have no desire whatsoever to go running under the stars.

Still... makes me wonder how she actually runs her business. The woman brings "lateness" beyond a craft. It's practically her first profession.
posted by Salian at 17:16 0 comments


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