Salian's Virtual Cove


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pinata Island

For some odd, out-of-the-blue reason, my mind wondered onto a memory of this horror movie I had seen some time ago called Pinata Island.

At the time, I was in a friend's room at the dorms (he had junk food and I had the munchies). I guess it was a slow night for TV so finally, after many, many long minutes of channel surfing, we decided to watch a horror movie about a two-foot-high tiki god that runs around killing people.

I truly believe that the producers/actors/director of the movie were gung-ho about making this a respectable horror movie (in fact, the actors, who are fairly famous, did not do too bad a job), but it turned out to be such a God-awful movie.

For instance, there was this scene where they are sitting around the camp discussing this tiki god and one of the girls was speaking to the rest of the group. I may be (and probably am) seriously off on this as it was a year and a half ago and I was not giving it the utmost of my attention (not with a can of Pringles sitting on the couch beside me), but I believe the quote went something along the lines of this: "I did not know how to describe it until I just explained it to you guys" this point I am wondering if I heard right, as the left side of my brain is yelling at the right side of my brain asking how a person can not know how to describe something and then go about describing it.

Fortunately, just before my right side of the brain could reply that it technically isn't possible and that I need to enter myself into an asylum of some sort because I am losing my clutch on sanity, I look around at the others in my room who are wearing faces with equally confused looks that tells me that they are thinking of checking themselves into the local mental ward too.

Oh, and there is the scene where an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) is driven into a tree (or maybe a rock) and then explodes with all sorts of splendor and glory. You know how you sometimes see scenes on TV or in movies where you think to yourself "would that really explode like that?" Well, this was sort of a "there is no freakin' way that could have exploded like that unless that tree (or rock) was made of nitroglycerine."

Man... now I really want to watch that movie all over again for shits and giggles. I wonder if Blockbuster has it.

It is one of those movies that is so bad that it is so funny that you cannot help but want to watch. One of those movies that makes you wish you could slap the characters for allowing themselves to be bullied by a two-foot midget but you can't so you keep watching in hopes that later in the movie, someone magically will.
posted by Salian at 14:50 0 comments


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